Evaluation for Initial Educator License - Illinois

Due to the time required to evaluate individual transcripts, evaluation worksheets are required to begin the credential review process with P站色情片鈥檚 Licensure Officer. Individuals who hold a bachelor's degree and are interested in becoming a teacher (K-12) and current educators who hold teaching credentials from other states can use this form to request assistance in evaluating courses required to earn an Illinois Professional Educator License. Evaluation worksheets are not intended as a substitute for information provided on ISBE鈥檚 website, but rather to assist with the organization of requirements.

Elementary Education Worksheet, Middle Grades Education Worksheet, Secondary Education Worksheet, Special Education Worksheet, Visual Arts Education Worksheet
List additional names that may appear on transcripts, in ELIS, etc.
Illinois Educator Identification Number
Enter as four digits
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Unofficial transcripts are required for the purpose of this inquiry. Official transcripts will be required during the admissions process. Acceptable formats include: pdf, jpg, png.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Individuals submitting an inquiry for Illinois Licensure MUST complete and upload the corresponding Evaluation Worksheet(s) - available via the links above. Acceptable formats: doc, docx, pdf, jpg, png